

Design Portfolio


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Professional of March 2010

These are the projects done professionally for companies or organizations, they are generally based on industry requirements and inputs thereby:

Design of Career Enablement Web Portal

 at Illumine Knowledge Resources - Mumbai

As a part of the startup team inclusive of IIM graduates, my role was to provide design inputs along with senior designers. As a designer, along with being a part of the ideation I was involved in translating the abstract ideas into real interfaces, interactions and functionalities. Also communication with the development partner communicating development of the site. Overall the role consisted of comprehensive activities including explorative design and management.


Since the company was exploring possible options most of the design was iterative with new features and functionalities added everyday.Starting with understanding existing work done in the company, the process involved translating it into experience spaces with each space having its distinct description of how the users should engage in the wbesite. Followed by the information hierarchies and hence moving towards a detailed structure of the website. The core components and hence their interactions of the site were identified and designed. The wireframes of these components further building them into detailed interfaces. The structure of the site as a system and the interactions of its components was also a challenging task. Finally full fleged prototypes were constructed in PDF/PPT/HTML. These were iterated and improved upon as and when the business models changed.


The trial beta site is currently launched and hosted at ( this is not the replica of the design as the development is in process). The final site with 3 major components and communications with the developers and graphics designers was a part of the product. Slowly as the site is developed more and more design elements will go live as they were designed.
[NOTE: Details available on request]